Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me..."
Matthew 19:14
We are currently hiring qualified Childcare Workers. Check out the job description and apply by clicking the button below.

Sunday Morning
2 years to 3rd grade
We offer Back Bay Kids services for children up to 3rd grade. They will join you in the worship service for the first song. After the children's moment, all the kids will follow our team of professional childcare workers to their own rooms. There, they will learn about Jesus in a fun and engaging environment. They will return during the final song of the worship service.
Babies and Toddlers
We offer Back Bay Kids nursery services for children up to 2 years old. When you arrive, you may go directly to the nursery room drop off your baby with our team of professional childcare workers. Share with them any needs your baby might have. Pick up is after the worship service.
Highest Standards
We create a safe environment for children to learn the truths of the Bible and have fun worshiping Jesus.
Back Bay Kids At Home
Parents, we want you to be equipped to teach the Bible to your kids. We have online curriculum for all ages that is parallel to our Sunday Morning Back Bay Kids curriculum.
Create a free account on our Ministry Grid platform and enjoy!
Create a free account on our Ministry Grid platform and enjoy!